Unofficial OSCP Approved Tools

3 min readJun 5, 2019


OSCP Certificate

The following is an unofficial list of OSCP approved tools that were posted in the PWK/OSCP Prep Discord Server ( ) and found on the internet.

Please note it is by no means a complete list of all tools. These are merely tools suggested by other users that are deemed “approved” for the exam.

There will be some tools on here that were not suggested on the Discord server as well.

As a general rule of thumb, if a tool can auto-exploit, it is banned on the exam.

The list is subject to additions/removals as time goes by.

Last modified June 18, 2021.

InfoSec Communities

Note Taking

Reporting Frameworks

Report Template


Web Related

Network Tools

File Transfers

Wordlists / Dictionaries

Payload Generators

PHP Reverse Shells

Terminal Related


Password Brute Forcers

Post-Exploitation / Privilege Escalation

Buffer Overflow Practice

Privilege Escalation Practice

Extra Practice

